Thursday, April 7, 2011

Aesop's Fable - Ancrocles and the Lion

Themes in Androcles and the Lion:

(i) Friendship and Loyalty

This theme is projected throughout the story. Friendship is promoted as a necessity to survive in the real world. There is a strong friendship between Androcles and the Lion because they both overcome their natural instincts to harm one another.

Suggested Activities:

a)  Ask the students in the class to write a paragraph or two on which characters in the story they would like to be friends with. Students must include a written explanation as to why this is so and could also draw a picture of themselves with the character.
b)  Ask two students to take on the role of Androcles and the Lion. The other students ask the character about the friendships that they have in the play.

(ii) Trust

Trust is evident throughout the story. Trust takes courage and both The Lion and Androcles have a large amount of this. The Lion put a great amount of trust in Androcles when he allowed him to pull the thorn from his paw, and Androcles put a lot of trust in the Lion while he completed this act. Both of these characters have faith in one another and this allows them to trust each other.

Suggested Activity:

a)  Students get into pairs. One student opts to be ‘A' the other ‘B'. ‘A' places their hands on 'B's shoulders and ‘B' closes their eyes while ‘A' guides them gently around the room by putting pressure on their shoulders indicating which way to move. Pairs must not run into each other, so to stop, the ‘A's must gently squeeze the ‘B's on their shoulders. After a few minutes, ‘A' and ‘B' swap roles. This exercise promotes trust between individuals.

(iii) Be Grateful

“Gratitude is the sign of noble souls”. Be grateful and never forget or go against those who have helped you in the past. Those who exercised good deeds on others might have the same good deeds exercised on them by the one they have helped. One good deed done by others upon us should be remembered forever.

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