Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Lake Isle of Innisfree by William B. Yeats

In this poem, we see poet's imagination, stong urge to feel experience the bliss of peaceful tranquality. In my opinion, the persona celebrates the peaceful independece in the lake isle of Innisfree. He is totally fed up with the city he lives.  He wants to find a place that is peaceful. However, in the city, he cannot find such a place, and thus feels that Innisfree is the perfect place for him to enjoy nature and at the same time relax/enjoy the tranquility. Innesfree is a special place that the persona yearns for.

"I will arise and go now yo Innisfree" sounds impulsive. It makes us wonder whether he actually up and left his life for a few days and visited his oasis, or whether he took up his place there only in his mind.
I believe this is probably a part of every human being who has ever lived. When times get tough and when life is busy we long for a place to relax and call our own. It is a romantic poem, because he speaks so highly of a place we all would like to be.


Theme: Nature, peace and tranquility, and city life vs. country life.

Persona: A person who is living in the city but at the same time wishes to live in peaceful country life. From the poem, we can conclude that the poet does not like his hectic city life and would very much like to stay in Innisfree instead.

Point of View: 1st person point of view

Tone and Mood: nostalgic, reminiscing, pensive, longing

Moral Values:
·         Nature can calm people ~ depends. (Some wouldn’t like it) 
·         Nature must be appreciated. If not, we wouldn’t be here.
·         One can find peace even though one live in simple lifestyle.

Literary Devices
1. Imagery
·    The poet provides detailed descriptions of the lake.

2. Metaphor
·    Dropping from the veils of the morning = morning dew
·    Noon a purple glow = purple flower that can be seen bloom in the bright afternoon sunshine
3. Repetition
·    The phrase “I will arise and go now” was repeated twice to indicate how the persona longs to go to Innisfree.

4. Alliteration
·    The line “I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore” possess repeated ‘l’ and ‘s’ sound.

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